Christmas Gifts for Someone With A Mental Illness

1.      A Book

I am a massive book nerd and there are so many types of books that you could give as a gift. A self-help book, a nonfiction book about mental illness, a fiction book about a character with a mental illness, a book for distraction or an inspirational book. Some books that I’ve read that would make a great gift are The Book of Hygge: The Danish Art of Living Well, The Art of Thinking Clearly and Reasons to Stay Alive.

2.      A Movie or TV Show Box Set

Again, a lot of the time distraction is a key part of managing a mental illness and DVD’s are an easy and convenient way to do this. Obviously, what DVD’s you gift depends on the person you are giving them to but these are some light-hearted or funny things that I like to watch when I don’t want to think too much:

-Adventure Time
-Brooklyn nine-nine
-Bob’s Burgers
-Doctor Who

-Ace Ventura
-Bo Burnham: Make Happy
-The Nightmare Before Christmas

3.      A Blanket

I’ve mentioned before about how weighted blankets can be used to ease anxiety but any kind of blanket can make a great gift as it brings feelings of comfort and warmth, which is perfect for the holiday season. Sleep is so important for your mental health but it is also something which a lot of people with mental illnesses struggle with and although a blanket isn’t going to cure someone’s insomnia, it may help and it shows that you care.

4.      A Scented Candle

I find scents like vanilla and cinnamon to be extremely comforting and during the holiday season there are so many of these types of candles to choose from.  Of course, you could try lavender candles, a scent which is known for it’s calming effects, or just any candle which you think they may enjoy!

5.      A Journal

I’ve previously written about How Writing Can Help Your Mental Health and I stand by that post. No, it’s not for everyone and it’s not a miracle cure but if you think that the person may find writing to be a healthy outlet and form of expression then I would definitely consider giving them a journal. There are so many beautiful journals with a variety of styles and price ranges, so you can pick one which suits you best. 

6.      Noise Cancelling Headphones

      A lot of people with a panic disorder or anxiety disorders find noise to be extremely distressing and triggering and so they may really appreciate the gift of silence (in the form of noise cancelling headphones).

7.      Fancy Toiletries

      When my depression worsens I often completely neglect my hygiene but if I had some different shower gels or shampoos lying about it may motivate me to jump in the shower to see what they’re like. And who knows, maybe I would fall in love with the new product and actually look forward to having a shower or bath.

8.      A Colouring Book & Pencils

      There is something extremely relaxing about colouring in and it is also a great way to distract yourself when your thoughts are too overwhelming. There are a wide variety of adult colouring in books out there so you could get them one which reflect their particular interests, like Sherlock, Harry Potter or Roald Dahl inspired colouring books. Mindfulness colouring books are also easy to come by and would make a lovely gift for someone with an anxiety disorder, or anyone who wants to work on becoming more mindful. 

9.      Gift Cards

      Giving certain gift cards, like ones for the cinema or a restaurant, are subtly ways to motivate someone to leave the house. They show that you really care about them and want to spend time with them and it becomes a little harder for them to convince themselves that you are only giving them a gift out of some sort of festive obligation.

10.  Indoor Exercise Equipment

      I’ve written before about how exercise can positively influence your mental health but sometimes mental illnesses can prevent us from leaving the house or completely drain us of energy. That’s why a yoga mat could make a great gift! Yoga can be a less intense form of exercise, it’s generally associated with relaxation, and you don’t necessarily need to leave the house to do it! Other indoor exercise equipment, like push up bars, an exercise ball, dumbbells, a skipping rope or even gym clothes would also make a great gift. However, I do want to say that if the person you are giving a gift to has an eating disorder it may be best to avoid giving gifts which are associated with weight loss and definitely stay away from Fitbits or other fitness trackers – personally, I know that these would cause me to obsess over calories and weight loss again, even if the gift giver had good intentions. 

11.  Self-Care Box

      Christmas is when hampers really get their time to shine. I’ve previously written about things to include in a self-care package, but this could also be a great gift to give to someone else who struggles with their mental health. Some things you could include are fidget toys, a sleep mask, inspirational post cards or posters, lavender oil and the numbers of some suicide or mental health hotlines. 

If you liked this post you may also like:
1. How to Manage Halloween With an Eating Disorder 
2. How to Love Someone with a Mental Illness
3. How to Make a Self Care Package 


  1. There's really good advice here :-) thank you very much. I listen to podcasts and audio books too as easier to concentrate on. Thanks love bec x

    1. Thank you so much! And yes! Audiobooks are such a good idea thank you for the tip! xx


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